Our Beliefs

In this modern world in which we live, many of us are alarmed at what seems to be an unstoppable decline in morality and values. There are even some mainstream Christian denominations that are abandoning the beliefs they once held about God and Scripture. 

Countryside Presbyterian Church of Cameron, North Carolina was established over thirty years ago on the fundamental truths of Scripture.  We take no exception with any part of the Bible, and we subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith as a systematic understanding of Holy Scripture, The Triune God, His Eternal Decree, Creation, Providence, the Fall of man, Sin and the Punishment thereof, God's Covenant with man, of Christ the Mediator, of Free Will, Effectual Calling, Justification, Adoption, Sanctification, Saving Faith, Repentance unto Life, Good Works, Perseverance of the Saints, the assurance of Grace and Salvation, the Law of God, Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience, Worship and the Sabbath Day, Lawful Oaths and Vows, Regard for the Civil Magistrate, Biblical Marriage, the Church, the Communion of the Saints, the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, Church disipline, the understanding of life after death and the resurrection of the dead, and the Last Judgment.

We Still Believe: The Lord, our God, is one God, eternal and self existing, Triune in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. His Word, given to us through the prophets and apostles, contained in the Old and New Testaments is Divinely inspired, inerrant and infallible.

We believe that all mankind is born in sin, after the failure of our father, Adam, and is incapable of making any reconciliation with God by personal effort.

We believe that Salvation is acquired only by faith in the grace of God as it is offered to us through the obedient sinless life and atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

We believe that after His death on the cross, He arose bodily from the grave, and is presently seated at the right hand of God the Father.

We believe that Jesus Christ is King, Head and Ruler of the Church, His Bride, and the Church is the representation of His Kingdom on earth.

Since He is King and Ruler,

We believe that He has authorized, established and ordained a system of church government that He expects us to maintain and respect. We do not consider ourselves any better than anyone else. Our place in the Universal Church is signified by the form of church government that we respect and follow.

We believe that: The word "Presbyterian” comes from the New Testament Greek word presbuteros (pres-byoo-ter-os). It simply means "elder” and we believe that the New Testament model for church government is a government of elder rule.

We respect the authority of three offices; two ruling offices (elders) and one office of service (deacons). Ruling offices consist of the teaching elder, or the pastor, and ruling elders, who are elected from the membership and serve as lay ministers within the church.

The Deacon’s office of service has its scriptural authority derived from Acts chapter 6. While it is an office of mercy and service, we still consider it a spiritual service. According to the Inspired teachings of the Apostle Paul, (1 Timothy 3 & Titus 1) qualified men with spiritual gifts are to fill the office of the Deacon. Do remember that Stephen ad Phillip, two of the first Deacons (Acts 6) were both evangelists, and Stephen because the first martyr in the New Testament church.

This leadership structure is beneficial because its very nature provides higher accountability. There isn’t one person calling all the shots. This also provides places within ministry for sincere disciples to serve as they learn and grow in serving their Lord.